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Empowering Female Entrepreneurs for Balanced Success
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Hi, I'm Dr. Sarah


I work with female entrepreneurs who are feeling burnt out + stressed out to create more balance and to live their dream life.

I help you to LAUNCH when you’re scared as shit to do so.

I’m ready to be your best friend and cheerleader even if you don’t like what I have to say or it’s outside of your comfort zone… that is where the real magic happens!



Regulate Your Nervous System and Calm the
F* Down

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What drives you? What are your values?

Mine are: Freedom, Play, Fun, Security, Beauty & Creativity


My journey in entrepreneurship began in my early 20s as a Fashion Designer. My partner and I had a menswear clothing line in Detroit and opened a boutique style manufacturing facility to produce our wares. I ran an art gallery/boutique, hosted large fashion shows throughout the city and toured the world with a band.


I was living the 20-something hipster dream!

And guess what?


I was miserable.


My health was poor due to multiple food sensitivities, too much alcohol, stress, and living through my ego and not what my soul truly desired.

I knew that I needed to make a BIG change.

Health and wellness has always been a passion of mine. I started cleansing and juicing in order to clear my eczema and allergies when I was 19 years old. What my soul was craving was a career in natural health and the ability to help others to THRIVE.

At 30, I started school to become a Doctor of Chiropractic


After 7 years of working with clients 1:1 and running a highly successful, multiple practitioner and multiple six figure wellness practice I realized that it was time for YET ANOTHER big change.


Despite running my DREAM practice I had fallen into old habits that weren’t serving my highest self. My clients wanted MORE than chiropractic and natural health and I wanted to reach MORE people and change MORE lives.


My personal journey back to SELF has included years of shadow work, meditation, yoga, coaching, sound journeys, plant medicine, somatic-based psychotherapy, manifestation, inner-child work, cleansing, and years of formal education.

"Going into my session with Dr. Sarah, I had a lot of fears and anxiety surrounding the upcoming life change of welcoming a new baby into our family. I was also feeling negative towards my business. She gave me tools to use when things got a little too overwhelming. After our session I feel much more prepared to move forward with ease, positivity, and gratitude."


"I completed burnout to bliss with Dr. Sarah this past spring. As a working mom of 3 this was a very good reset and reminder to slow down. The weekly calls were a pause button for me each week. I felt like the discussions each week gave me the chance to focus on new ideas for the rest of the week. I would definitely recommend it if someone is looking for a reset and recharge button."


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